
Marchesa dress .... should I ?

Awhhh, I´m in love with this Marchesa dress from SS2007.
Would you wear this dress to a wedding?
White is for the bride and I´m not the bride ...
but the bride told me she will wear a red dress.
Thank you, bride ;)
Would like to wear it with black tights and YSL cage heels...
but... but... I´m still not sure about a white dress... 
but... it´s a white dress with a little bit of black ;)
What do you think..... ????


  1. Soooo gorgeous, darling!
    Lucky you!!


  2. I definetley prefer this darling Martina!

    Have a lovely week ahead, doll! :-)


  3. Martina, considering the fact the bride is wearing red (how brave of her!), I think you can absolutely go ahead with this beautiful Marchesa dress. I think you will look so very elegant and chic!I am voting big "YES!" :-)

  4. i love it:D, you should buy this dress

  5. Please please pleeeeaseee Martina wear this dress! It´s absolutely beautiful!Looks not like a bridal dress at all for me! I can see you in this dress and how beautiful you will attend the wedding! And Miezekatze in a tuxedo LOL

  6. Oh, yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Girl, I want to hold your shoulders and shake you. :) Don't even think twice about this magical dress! It's so gorgeous and if you can get yourself a Marchesa dress, you definitely should! As for the colour... Well, it's got a bit of black in it... ;) So technically, it's not white. :)))

    Have a wonderful day!

    P.S. And go get that dress already!
    P.P.S. Saw vintage Lanvin necklace on ebay today and it made me think of you. It's 1970s and is for around £30 at the moment.



  7. If you're not sure, it may be best to contact the bride and ask if it is okay. The dress is LOVELY!

  8. OMG ! this dress is soo amazingly beautiful, i think it is appropriate to wear to a wedding because it is short and have some black ..so go ahead darling !!! I would love to see you in it

  9. So gorgeous, I say go for it as long as the bride's fine with it! Ah Marchessa, to own of their gowns!

  10. oh it's gorgeous. i would wear it.

  11. THIS IS GORGEOUS!!sorry for the caps but i just needed to show you how gorgeous I think it is. LoL!! seriously its beautiful wear it!


  12. Omg that dress is amazing! you should totally do it! youre so lucky you got a chance to find that dress! go for it! you will look amazing!

  13. Hi sweet Martina,
    The dress is beautiful and perfect for the wedding event. I love your ideas to style it with black tighs and Ysl cage heels.

    You will look fab gorgeous!

    much love,

  14. Very beautiful dress my dear! I think if the bride is wearing red, this shouldn't be a problem. If you're not sure, why don't you just send her the picture and ask her? That way even if people mistake you for the bride, it won't be your fault ;-)

    My colleague did this as well by the way... she wore a red dress to her wedding and actually requested everyone else wear white. The wedding pictures looked amazing, because she really stood out!

    P.S. The Judy Garland wedges didn't have a price on them, because they were in the window display. But they were my favorites too! They do sell them in other Ferragamo shops outside Florence. The Paris store also had them ;-)

  15. Martina, this Marchesa dress is a dream. I would DIE to wear this dress!! Can I have a wedding please to wear it :=))))Please keep us posted and I hope so much you will wear it!!!

    Have a wonderful day, sweetheart!

  16. Hello sweet Martina,

    Did we "convince" you? :-)))))


  17. darling this is a beautiful dress darling, so dreamy,romantic and frothy! I could so see this on you darling!
    I hope you are having a wonderful day dear Martina

  18. darling i forgot to say YOU SO SHOULD WEAR IT! as you said the white is completely broken with the black detailing in the embellishment! do wear it to the wedding dear

  19. @ Janet

    Oh that´s sweet, thanks for asking;)
    Mmmhhh... yeeees;)...the dress will be a little bit too big for me and i hope i can alter it in time for the wedding.

  20. This is such a gorgeous dress! In my opinion Marchesa is making the most amazing gowns! This dress is 2d4!!

  21. Martina dearie, I join the ladies here and vote yes, yes, yes!! Hehe, sure you already know what my vote would be! ;)

    Even if you don't get to wear it to the wedding, there will be plenty of other occasions for when you can use this. It's a lovely runway piece and how often do we ever get a chance of owning something like this at such an attractive price. (Ahem, ahem and wink, wink on the 'attractive')

    Have a lovely Thursday to you!!

    Freezing in Minneapolis,

  22. Good eve Martina! Wow that dress is beautiful! I'd wear it since your friend is wearing red anyway. Truly admire your wedding event style...you wear the loveliest dresses!

    Frigid temps here in Minneapolis, but very merry beginning to the holiday season nonetheless!

  23. that dress is gorgeous! yes yes yes wear it!

  24. Go for it! It's not a problem if the bride is wearing red, plus the dress has very visible black detailing.

  25. Hey, you should totally wear the dress! Usually I would say no to white at a wedding but, its black and white, short, you will wear it with tights and the bride will be in red! x

  26. This dress is AMAZING! I think you should definitely have it! And if you dont wear it to this wedding, you'll definitely have many other occasions to wear it!
    I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it!

  27. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you!!!!!

    Helloooo Kat!
    How are you doing? Finally we had yesterday -°6C ... brrrh ..
    Bye to barefooted ballerinas, Martina ;)
    Wishing you a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS with your family!!!
    I hope so much that sometime in the future I will meet you and Grace!!!

  28. Mmmh Actually when I see "Marchesa" I see the Stunning Georgina "I really know How to wear Fetish Heels" Chapman . . . AND so I say an astounding YES for this Dress Dear Martina !!!!
    Hope you're Well.

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  29. Oohh-laaa-laaa
    Martina, every woman maybe dreams to wear once in a lifetime a Marchesa dress to be the belle of the ball. You HAVE to wear it!
    The dress looks so beautiful and with the black sequined part and tulle bow it´s not a white dress at all!

    Lots of love to you my dear!

  30. I really hope you wear that gorgeous dress,its too pretty to be stuck at home!
    honey just saying hi and letting you know that i have a new personal outfit post.
    have a gorge day

  31. ...if the bride says its ok - then go ahead (you know I have experience with this ::wink)! That dress is stunning and you're going to look so beautiful!

  32. The dress is beautiful, but I think you should really double-check with the bride. Just imagine she has a change of heart (dress-wise)... Sabine x

  33. Wow! That's one hot fabulous dress!!! :)

  34. beautiful dress...you should go for it!!!

  35. WOOOWWW Martina!! Im sure that you will have a merry merry xmasss!! heheheh


  36. Dear Martina, I stopped by to wish you the most wonderul pre Christmas weekend:-) I hope you are all done with your Holiday shopping and gifts.:-)Sending you many huggies :-)!

  37. tights are leggings w/o the feet part? hee, i still get confused over the two. i was thinking maybe cage heels but w/o the tights. too chilly?
