

is a charming and funny german movie (the name makes no sense in german
maybe the english translation is "TwoEarChick".. maybe ;).
The movie is the sequel of "KeinOhrHasen" ("NoEarRabbit"- Rabbit without ears)
which I missed to see last year.

If you watch the trailer ... I looove the kitchen ;)

Music: Secrets by OneRepublic

(images from: warnerbros.de/zweiohrkuken)


  1. Good morning Martina darling!
    What a cute post. I wish I could see the movie as the photos are enchanting. The kids, the love, the funny moments. Seems to be a great movie. From what I think about you, the movie is so you:lots of love to share :=)
    The song is amazing!Thanks for sharing honey this beautiful weekend post! Wishing you lovely weekend moments!

  2. Looks lovely, darling!
    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!


  3. I actually prefer Til Schweiger in his German movies (he tends to be a bit cheesy in the classic blockbusters) and I really like Bettina Zimmermann! I actuallly never watched 'KeinOhrHasen' either, but I probably should.

    Hope you're having a wonderful sunny weekend! Here it's sunny and rainy... sigh...

  4. Cute pics, Martina. I have never seen this movie, but I like what I see... ;-)

    Have a great weekend, my dear!


  5. OMG!!!!!!!!!!
    These pictures speak for themselves. Cuteness pure, Martina!
    Looks like a blockbuster movie and the song rocks the movie, too. Heard it here a lot in the charts!

    Have a great weekend, sweetheart!

  6. Hi Martina, hope you're having a fab weekend. I absolutely love German films! My favourite is Good Bye Lenin! from 2003, have you seen it? If not, check it out.

  7. Wow, the pictures from this movie looks stunning. I really like the faded affect. Very old-fashion hollywood. Great post, Martina.

    Thank you again for your sweet comment. How was your week? I had a rough week last week and I'm not looking forward to Monday. One more week of my internship and then I'm done!

    I can't believe it's almost Christmas. I'm really excited to return home and spend the holiday season with my family, boyfriend, and good friends.

    When I checked out Hanh's blog today, I immediately thought of you because you have the same studded booties. Those boots are truly amazing. I would love a pair but I know I could never afford it :(

    Hope you're doing well, Martina. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Wishing you lots of sunshine and sending you hugs from Australia :)

  8. Liebe Martina.
    Du hast einen ganz bezaubernden Blog. Ich schaue sehr oft bei dir vorbei. Mein Englisch ist leider nicht so gut, von daher hoffe ich, dass ich dir in deutsch schreiben kann.
    Auf den Film freue ich mich schon sehr. Die Bilder die du ausgesucht hast sind einfach toll und spiegeln den Film genau wieder. Und das Lied, höre es fast jeden Tag im Radio, klasse!

    Du hast einen wunderschönen Sinn für ausgefallene Mode. Hier in München gehe ich sehr gerne zu Theresa.

    Sende dir einen lieben Gruß aus München!

  9. darling Martina,thank you for the lovely lovely comment!
    these screen shots are amazing,im loving the wardrohe
    Hope your sunday is sunny!
    big kiss darling

  10. I think this looks fab, love the slightly sepia tones! I posted you a blog award on my blog:
    Pearl xx

  11. aww looks like a nice movie!
    martina my friend! how are you beauty?
    miss you! how's germany treating you? =D
    sydney weather yesterday - roasting hot. too much!
    today is cold! hahaha

    big hugs <3

  12. Hello there Martina dearie!

    I wish I could understand German! The trailer seems very interesting! I'm sure this is a fun romantic comedy! LOL on that scene when she stepped or rather, stomped on the other girl's foot! She should have done the same to the guy, haha!

    Hope you had a fun weekend and wishing you a lovely week ahead!!!! =)

    Hugz from Minneapolis,

  13. woow, love the light of these pics!!

  14. YESSSSS I thought you almost forgot about the award!!! Hee hee, how are you my dear? I just bought the hottest boots ever, although they aren't really thaaaat designer but I'm happy :))) I've posted them up on my blog!!! I miss you! Let's flood each other with emails soon okay! XOXO

    Love you, Adela

  15. Very inspirational and beautiful photos! I love kids!!

    many kisses :))))

  16. ooo that man is sexy! need to watch that!

  17. oh Marina, now i'm stuck on wanting to catch the 1st part before i watch this! i've resisted watching the trailer since i don't understand the lang. guess i should've known better. the girl in glasses. oh my is she vicious. i wish she hadn't done that to the sex bomb. i'm surprised she didn't faint from the pain. lol.
