
Brother & Sister

A few weeks ago I received in the late evening from one of my best friends a message letting me know "my sister drowned". I don´t know how many seconds I needed to understand that drowned means dead. Her mom already died last summer and now there was another tragic lost in her family. Moments like this make me realize how much I love my family, and what would I do without my sister and brother?

My sister means the world to me and there is my little brother who I also love so very much; he brings so much joy and laughter into our lifes and I love him for simply being my little brother. Today I have to look up standing beside him and sometimes I feel more like his little sister.
Me and my sister spent a few years of life alone until a day in November our little brother was born. We loved taking care of him and feeling responsible for him. My sister was his "number one bedtime story narrator" as she created always new stories for him, never missing in his stories: Phaaaantoooomiaaas 
Someone should have told him in hospital two older sisters are awaiting him.
He looks not happy "with the whole situation" ;)
He was the little blonde in the family
and today...
sticking together with our brother is always fun;
hope the following photos are not too embarrassing ;)
summer 2009
- or 10 seconds with my brother-

I don´t know why he loves to do handstands;)
Introducing... the meerkat handstand
technical merit: 6.0 ;)

And in the end:
One of my brother´s fav tv series when he was young
I still love the gummi bears song today ;)
And in the very very end:
My brother sent me yesterday this you tube link letting me know I must see it.
Ok, thank You ;)
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Wishing you all a 
gummiberry -juic
weekend and start into the new week !!


  1. oh my gosh how i love the image of you and your darling sister holding your crying brother! how sweet Martina! too sweet. then the imaqes of handstands is wonderful!what would life be without siblings?!
    your brother is lucky to have you,your are a darling,what a lovely piece.i am so sorry to hear to hear about your friends sister,My thoughts go out to the family at this time. One of my brothers drowned when he wad 18 so i know how awful it must be for them.
    have a wonderful day xx

  2. Hi sweetie,

    Hihi! What a great pics...
    and yes I agree with darling Marian. Ur brother is lucky to have U. U are the best! ;-)

    Hope your having lovely weekend!

  3. oooh sweet and sad post!! Im sorry.. Is very important the family in our lifes :)!!!

    this tv serie is one of my fav too!!

    have a great week sweetie!!

  4. i hope your friend will come out of the tragedies being still thankful eventually.

    very nice to be goofing around with family. such cute pictures.

    i saw the muppets clip last nite on another blog. lol.

  5. Today I have to confess: I love not only you, I love your whole family!! LOL
    I didn´t know you have a younger brother. There is so much love in your photos and so much fun when you are goofing around with your sister and brother. Gummi Bears LOL I loved them, too. And today I can´t get the song out of my head. Martina, I feel so sad to hear the story about your friend. Family is always so important in life. I love how much love you share in your family!Tell your friend I´ll keep her family in my prayers!


  6. That is so sad for your friend. But thank you for such a lovely post, it is good to remember how dear our families are too us xx

  7. I am so sad to hear about your friend's sister. But it cheers me to see that you can always see the good in life even in the midst of tragedies--and yes, it's good to feel thankful for what you have.

    My heart goes out to your friend.

  8. So sorry for your friend's loss, darling...

    This is a lovely post and a reminder to us all to cherish our siblings!


  9. Heartbreaking and sweet!You have such an awesome family as a gift! I´m so sad to read about your friend!

  10. Haha, I saw the Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody last week and showed it to hubby, I thought it was so clever/funny/cute.

    What a sweet sweet story...I could not imagine my life without my gorgeous sisters, they are my best friends. So incredibly sad about your best friend's sister, my thoughts are with her & her family.

  11. So great to look now and then!

    Such a fun shots!

  12. Thank you Martina for this sweet story! You are blessed with a wonderful family. I also cannot imagine life without my brothers and I´m so sad to read about your friend.
    So fun to see you goofing with your brother and I`m sure all of you 3 are sweethearts!

    Thank you so very much, darling for this warmhearted post about siblings, friendships, family etc.

    Lots of Love,

  13. I'm so sorry about your friend's sister :( I hope she and her family are doing ok considering their loss.

    And this is such a lovely tribute to your siblings... your brother looks like a fun guy ;-) I don't have any brothers or sisters but I always wanted an older brother.

    By the way, thank you so much for your restaurant recommendation! We went to La Giostra and it was perfect! :) Such a lovely location and the food was amazing! Ahh, I always forget what a beautiful place Florence is... sigh...

  14. i'm sorry to hear about your friends sister :( very sad - but at the same time she is in a better place :)

    lovely post martina... sometimes we take out family for granted. thanks for sharing this with us all.

    hope you have a wonderful day <3

  15. Oh wow what an emotional post, thank you for sharing this!

    I would do anything for my sister as well, there is nothing more important that a sibling love!

  16. I feel very touched to hear your story. You are always such a sweet girl. I like you too :)

  17. Hi Martina,

    I just wanted to say thank you for all you endearing comments. You are one of my most valuable readers and it makes me really happy to know that you enjoy my writing. I feel really lucky to have you as a follower and thank you for always be so kind and thoughtful with your words.

    And yes, when I look back on my experience in Australia, I know I'll have lots of fond and wonderful memories. Thank you for your encouragement through this whole journey. You've always been very supportive, Martina and it means a lot to me.

    Wow, this post was incredible touching. I remember you telling me about your friend and the death of her sister over the summer. It really breaks my heart to know that your close friend suffered a great loss. I can relate to this post. My sister and I are really close and we grew up together. And after 13 years, my little brother was born and we both love him very much. This post really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing the memories and wonderful pictures with all of us.

    I hope your week is off to a good start. I'm heading up to the Great Barrier Reef this weekend, therefore I won't be able to visit your blog for awhile. Just know that you're thought of :) Hope you're doing well, Martina. Sending you some hugs and kisses!


  18. Cute photos! And I loved the Gummy Bears- my fav was the sister! xo, Mel

  19. Cute photos! And I loved the Gummy Bears- my fav was the sister! xo, Mel

  20. hi martina! i have a little brother too! he's not so little anymore though as he's 6 feet! haha. he's the youngest among 4 siblings and all of us three are girls! we spoil him a lot! :P this post makes me miss him a lot :(...

  21. darling hope you are having a yummy gummiberrilious day!
    big kiss

  22. P.S.: Check out my newer giveaway! (if U have a mood) Are you ready a winter party, Honey? :-D Enter!


  23. Oh this is such a sweet post!! It made me miss my brothers too! The brother I'm closest to taught me so much! I remember browsing encyclopedias (yeh, geeky I know) with him during lazy afternoons back home and he's the one who really first introduced me to appreciate art and paintings!!

    Not to worry about your handstand, I give you a 10.0 for artistry!! =)



  25. My sister means the world to me as well, and what a funny brother you have!!!
    Enjoy your Sunday.
