
South Africa, I´m so excited!

Four years ago in summer 2006
we had the FIFA World Cup in our country.
We called it our midsummer night´s dream as it was such a beautiful summer
with lots of sunshine, people from all over the world who celebrate together in the cities no 
matter which team played.
Public Viewing each and every day
We had so much joy and fun
And there was the half-final against Italy here in my hometown.
I wish I could tell you how sad this moment was when we lost it in
minute 119, just one minute before the end of 120 min. additional time.
 I still have to think about this moment when I´m on the way to work
and drive past the stadion (maybe you can call it a trauma ;)
Wishing you all a joyful fun-filled soccer world cup 
and share the excitement with your teams!  

So let´s end part one of "sorry I have to bother you with soccer"
and start with part two of "sorry to bother you with some weird soccer videos
back from 2006" ;)

Official FIFA soccer song from 2006

And last but not least one actual soccer song:

- could listen to it all day long :)