
Inspirations // Vintage Necklaces //

Some Inspirations 

Pamela Love "claw" necklace
Love the green color of Chloe´s newest bag
(credit: Jak+Jil)
Isabel Marant jacket seen at Net-a-Porter
Commes des Garcons jacket seen at Colette
Louis Vuitton´s newest limited edition scarf:
"Monogram bleached denim shawl in babyblue"

I love to collect vintage costume necklaces 
especially from Lanvin and of course there are always some amazing finds 
on the fabulous websites of 
I recently stumbled upon some older necklaces in the back of my closet which
I somehow didn´t wear during the last years ... 

 For everyday I prefer it more simple,
my beloved "everyday-necklaces"
(top: Rick Owens  cardigan: Zara    necklaces: Jennifer Meyer)

As the holidays are coming closer this will be my last post before I´ll leave.
Already excited to do some weekend shopping with my mom and sister.

Some of you already know that I think about taking a break from blogging-
thanks to the lovely Haute World who called it "suffering from blog-burnout" ;)

Wishing you a bunnilicious


  1. i had no idea, Martina. you'll be missed until you return. have a fruitful time with your loved ones :)

  2. Hi sweet Martina,
    your vintage necklace colletion is amazing beutiful! I especailly love vintage Lavin is timeless.
    Wishing you a wonderful, beautiful, happy first spring day!!




  4. Ooo that Garcons jacket is DIVINE!

  5. loooove that pamela love necklace and I love your little selections too!


  6. Hi Martina, darling!
    Noooo, please don´t leave here!!But I can understand you! Hope from
    the bottom of my heart you will return so very soon!
    Wish to buy the Marant and CDG jacket right now! So awesome.
    And more than awesome are your photos of your necklaces!!
    And last but not least to see a little bit of you :=)
    Your beautiful necklaces are so sweet and so you! Love these pieces!!!
    Praying you will do only a short break and wishing you wonderful holidays!!!!!
    Kisses, Kisses, Kisses!!!
    Bibi, xoxo

    P.S.: Will send you another comment with my email and would be happy when we could stay a little bit in touch!

  7. Beautiful necklaces! I love your collection... very chic and timeless, but still a statement :) Where are you going for holidays? Hopefully somewhere warm, although at least now Europe has spring temperatures finally!

    I didn't actually do any shopping in Hamburg, because I was mainly there to see friends. The only place I went was a vintage store, but thankfully they had nothing in my size ;-) And I remember your painful pair of Balmain sandals! So pretty, but I think if you're going to get something Balmain, shoes are probably more clever than clothes. At least they're easier to match with outfits! Have a lovely time and a nice blog vacation :)

  8. wait! u can't take a break from blogging when i just started following you! lol
    unless its a short break, that's ok
    your jewelry collection is amazing. so jealous :)

  9. Such beautiful inspirational pictures. I'm a total jewellary ignorant, but your 24/7 necklace is divine. Wishing you a lovely break, Martina. You will be missed!! xxx

  10. hiii beautiful!!!

    oh my goodness!!! you have lots of gorgeous, amazing pieces!

    Enjoy your holiday! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. And Happy Easter! mwaaa

  11. Oh dear Martina, I will miss you and hope you will enjoy your holiday and be back SOON!

    and i am so envy with your necklace collection, they are all really beautiful !!!

  12. Love all the LV monogram bleached denim scarves.
    Have a great day Martina!!

  13. Gorgeous collection of jewelry!
    And of course I love your "everyday" Jennifer Meyer pieces:)
    Where are you going for the holidays,dear Martina?
    I'm leaving for Antwerp,cant wait,actually! I'm hoping to put my hands on some rare belgium designers :p
    If not, I understand how you feel about blogging, not feeling like writing anything myself! A nice break will do you just GOOD, you are not obliged to anyone ;)
    Have a great Easter!!!

  14. The Isabel Marant jacket looks regal. I can totally imagine you wearing it.

  15. darling im sending you lots of love and warm wishes,hope you have a lovely easter break and blogging break.we all need a break from time to time.
    big kiss

  16. Dear Martina, first of all I hope that your cold is gone and you are feeling much better now! Every Spring I make the same mistake: I wear something light on the first sunny day and always manage to get sick!:-) Secondly, what a beautiful lits of beautiful things! I am in love with your beautiful necklaces. They have so much character about them and make spectacular statement pieces. :-) We share love for vintage necklaces.:-) As a matter of fact I am planning on writing a post on beautiful vintage YSL necklace I found in one of the vintage shops in Paris last Fall! Little Mo gratefully eccepted your big hug and asked me to give you a hugg too. :-))) Sending you millions beautiful wishes!

  17. Love all them! haha! My fave is the Jennifer Meyer necklace...

    How are you sweetie? :)

  18. Hello to you all!

    Thank you so much for all your sweet comments and emails I´ve received!

    @FG and Haute Shopper
    I hope spring will be back tomorrow!
    My sister and I love to invite a few times in the year my mom to share a long weekend together in Switzerland and Italy (which means we are going to Milan, rent a car at the airport, going to Lake Como and Switzerland, then back to Milan to visit a friend and then all the way down to Florence; always the same hotel, I could swear we always take the same Autogrill on the way from Milan to Florence ;)

    So nice to hear you go to Antwerp. I was never there before but wish so much to take a look at the Ann Demeulemeester store! Have a very joyful stay, lucky girl ;)

    Mwaaaah ... received Little Mo´s hugg ;)

  19. Oh, I so adore that Chloe Necklace with the key - so incredibly fabulous! I can never resist vintage necklaces either!! :)

  20. Have a very blessed trip doll! We will miss ya! xoxo

  21. martina! these necklaces are lovely! i love that fertility necklace. i have the shoe and would really go well with that ;). sorry i have been out of touch but definitely been visiting your blog a lot! :)

  22. Whatever you decide Martina, we'll all be here when you return. Yes, agree, sometimes a break from blogging is healthy for one's soul!

    Have a fabulous grand time on your vacation. =)

  23. the necklace collection are beautiful, i love those vintage pieces. Your Jennifer M pieces are wonderful too.
    hope you are feeling so much better my dear.
    have a good day.

  24. Thats so cute that you go altogether to the same place every year!
    We made it our new habbit as well with my mom and my lil daughter!
    But unlike you, every Spring we go to visit a new place!This year we'll go to Barcelona (in May)and though I know the city quite well, I always feel like home and pleased to come back there :)
    Have an enjoyable stay with your dear ones,Martina!

  25. awww, I deeply feel you... sometimes you need to take a break! I hope you will be really refreshed when you come back :)
    have a sweet holiday, xoxo

  26. Dearest Martina,
    where can I start? I can understand why you wish to take a break! I can´t tell you how much I will miss your posts, they always put a smile on my face.Will miss Mietzekatze! And I miss you already now!May you have a blessed time with your family and I´m counting the days till your back here to spread your charme!!
    Love your style and taste when it comes to jewelry, Jennifer Meyer´s necklaces are 2d4.

    Lots lots lots of kisses!!
    Will miss you!

  27. Happy Easter to you too and have a wonderful vacation! Hope you will be revitalized by your break!
    Love your collection of vintage necklaces, especially your "newbie" with its string of fertility godessess.

  28. Oh wow, so gorgeous, I love it all! Especially those beautiful necklaces!

  29. Some of those necklaces are really beautiful. you must use them. Will miss you if you go on a blog-break, but I guess you do need one, every now and then. take care.

  30. Oh wow - how amazing is that Chloe bag!? LOVE IT!

    A.Co @ www.acoest1984.blogspot.com

  31. Enjoy your break, Martina, and happy Easter time!!!

  32. P.S.: ♥Please don’t forget to join the Sporty Knit Tigh-High Socks GIVEAWAY!♥

    Good luck!

  33. That Chloe green bag is 2D4!!!

    Aw, hope you have a fantastic time with your sister, Martina! I totally understand wanting a break from blogging ;) We will miss you terribly but hope you have a fantabulous time in the meantime!

  34. Just wonderfull selection!! Sorry, but im so busy with my new brand!! Soon a lot of wonderfull party dresses!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!

  35. My poor Martina, I hope your cold is gone!I am sending you million "get well" wishes. :-) Anastasia came down with cold two days ago and is staying home from school being absolutely miserable!
    My darling, thank you for your wonderful and well thought through input on my Dior dilemma. The idea of wearing it with jeans is brilliant! It will allow me to wear this coat during the day. I just need to find the right pair of jeans and the right tee. :-)))I am also thinking of creating a very special hat for this coat. Something very frenchy with a whisper of veiling. :-) Oh, I can not to wait to wear it. Just like you, I am always afraid to wear immaculate designer clothes.:-) Well, I suppose we would have to confront this fear. :-) I hope that you are having a beautiful Spring weatherwise. We have another rainy day today. I am wishing you wonderful weekend my darling Martina.

  36. Oh that Chloe bag is so fabulous! Happy holidays dear!

  37. darling wishing you a lovely saturday.hope your feeling much better dear

  38. Hey, hope you have a wonderful, memorable holiday! Love the selection. So eclectic and inspiring!

  39. Dear Martina, I hope you had a wonderful time on your trip with your family :-))) It must be so wonderful to be able to do it! I miss my sister and my mother more than you can imagine and wish I could go on the trip with them right now. :-))) It is rainy here but I am very happy because today I am celebration 9 years of being married to my husband. :-))))
    It is so interesting what you said about Garance's comment on how she loves to have beautiful things displayed in her room. I wish I could do it, but with Little Mo around everything has to be carefully packed away. He is a big boy and it is easy for him to get anywhere he want. He already ate a pair of my Alaia wedges once. :-)))) Wishing you wonderful week my darling Martina!

  40. Hello my dear, just wanted to say hello and hope you had a nice trip to Italy! Are you back yet? I hope the weather was better than here... very strange, one minute 20 degrees and warm, the next 8 degrees and rainy! And of course if you did any shopping please feel free to share your purchases ;-) Looking forward to your next post (even if we still have the blog burnout syndrome ;-)

  41. Martina- you have such an amazing collection. And a great eye for luxury goods. I love this collection :) Have a great holiday with your family! xx

  42. These are all adorable! I love the jewelry! :D

    I am now following you, follow me too yah?

    thank you.

  43. Have you turned off comments permanently or just on the last post? So happy that you got to visit Florence, I was supposed to go a few months ago but didn't so I lived vicariously through your photos. :)

  44. Love your inspiration photos, esp that green Chloe! And your pictures of Florence are great too, wish I was at the Marni outlet and Miu Miu store, too!

  45. Hello Martina
    I really enjoy your blog. Now you turned off comments, is my first time I leave one, just to say Hello.
    Kathy from Venezuela

  46. Hi Martina!
    Wanted to leave my message here to let you know how much I miss you here!
    You look so very pretty!Your Marni dress is looking beautiful as well.Had to tell you this :=)


  47. Hiiiiii Martina! Hope you're having a good time! And did you end up buying miu miu? hope so!


  48. that marni outlet - is a dream place imo to be!!!! ;)

  49. Hi Joelyne!
    How are you doing?

    Can you imagine I received today my package from Miu Miu ;)
    I bought in Florence the little cat pin and one of the SA tried to order
    the clogs and clutch as these items where not available in the store.
    I can´t help myself but I guess I`m addicted to all the "cat pieces" .. agh ;)

    Have a lovely day ahead in Down Under!

  50. Hi Martina,

    I couldn't leave a comment on your current post as you have might have deactivated the comments. I know you are a few others were worried about me as i stopped blogging for a while. I am now back and i hope to catch up! Are you still in Italy?

  51. I am so happy to hear from you! I know what you mean about taking a break from time to time as blogging can be very time consuming. I hope you won't take too much time off as i look forward to seeing more of your wonderful wardrobe :-)
    By the way, i am meeting up with Haute world in 2 weeks time here in London.
    Anyway my dear, hope you have a wonderful evening and i look forward to reading your next post!

  52. Hello Anna!
    And here I am again;)
    Thanks so much to youuu!
    Please be sure I´ll check back your blog regularly ;)
    I remember you were always so sportive.
    After my bad cold I started running again this weekend, finally ;)
    Hope to find the time to run also during the week, now as it´s not
    getting dark so early;
    the trail is here right behind the house but lonely in the evening hours.

    Enjoy your start into the week, Anna!!!!!

  53. Happy Saturday Martina!
    I am no longer on twitter Martina. i really don't like twitter so i deactivated my account. Hope you are having a sunny weekend in Germany as the weather here in London is beautiful. Happy Saturday!
    Hugs & kisses

  54. I'm still out of words while staring at these vintage jewelries!

    Alice Devon
    Antique Jewelry

  55. Hi Martina and the Mietz-er! Thanks so much for coming to my party!!! You looked super cute in your Rainbow Bright pjs!! xoxo, mel

  56. Martina, Misss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

  57. Martina

    I'm so jealous of all your Miu Miu finds! So gorgeous...

    xx D

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